So on Thursday night I said I would be doing a giveaway, the first ever on the blog, whoop! That story is here by the way, if you didn’t see it on the day.

I had a somewhat difficult Friday, and an entire day spent at the salon on Saturday (plus other sundry matters), and so I’m just getting to this now.

I got this tweet, and I was so touched she got in touch to find out so can I start by saying she’s our first winner? Congratulations Bukky Shaba! Thanks for caring enough to ask!

Screen Shot 2014-02-17 at 10.45.19

Now, I didn’t say what items I would be giving out, but if you saw the update on the items my friends had sent in for me to give out as well, it should have given you a bit of an idea!

I’m giving out books! Books! Books! Why? Well because I love to read, and social media strategist notwithstanding, few things give me more joy than curling up with a good book. Not with a kindle or an iPad or anything like that. So, why not give out stuff that I love?

Here’s the twist though, I won’t force my reading list on you, you get to pick exactly what you want!

So, here are the rules, as dictated by my partner in this venture, @HL_Blue

1. Open the last twelve posts on this blog

2. Pick the 5th word of the 6th paragraph in each post

3. Use these words to form a sentence.

That’s it!

No you don’t have to follow me on Twitter, send me a Facebook request or follow me on Instagram or any of those things. Naaa, you don’t need to.

You do need to be creative with the words you pick from the paragraphs though, if you want to win bad enough!

What happens next?

 @HL_Blue picks out the FIVE most creative sentences, you pick out ANY book you want on Amazon, and it’s yours! The only thing I ask is that you be gentle on my pocket 🙂 There’s a £17 limit per winner. Use it wisely!

Time starts now, and the winners have to be chosen by Tuesday night! That gives me enough time to order, receive them, and send them down.

Who’s up for winning? Go! Go! Go!

Any questions? Tweet me @chiomachuka or @HL_Blue!

There are five other books up for grabs (thanks to my friends). If you want to give out a book too (anonymously or not), get in touch!

1. Preside or lead: the actions and actions of effective regulators by Scott Hempling (3 of them).

2. “Democracy and Prebendalism in Nigeria: Critical Interpretations” edited by Adebanwi and Obadare

“Rewire: Digital Cosmopolitans in the Age of Connection” by Ethan Zuckerman

3. The Message Bible. (I mistakenly ordered two instead of one so instead of returning one, I’m going to give it one lucky winner!

P:S – Please leave your answers in the comments section! Would have said private mail me but I want the process to be as transparent as possible! Contribute to the body of knowledge! Lol (that’s something one of my tutors would always say.)

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  1. Awwww! Bukky Shaba? I know her! Congratulations to her. 😀


  2. aww, I kept checking your page to see if you’ve uploaded. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so shy to just ask right to bukky.

    Back to the homework, when you say your last 12 posts on this blog, is it inclusive of this one and then the countdown continues from this post?



    • highlandblue says:

      No dear. This one is not included


      • IVY BEN says:

        Where do we post our responses pls? Posting them here will make it easy for those who didn’t go through the stress of digging up the 5th words. of the 6th paragraphs of the last 12 posts. They’d be living off the sweat of those who did.


      • Hello IvyBen!

        Ok, new amendment to the rule everyone!!! Email your answer to!!!

        PS – Ivy I have your entry… I didn’t publish it so I don’t give anyone any undue advantage. So we all have two options… Either to email to my address or leave as a comment and I won’t publish it.


      • Awww! Glowingscenes, you should have said something! Thank you though, it’s the thought that counts!

        So I’m waiting on your entry! HL_Blue has just said it isn’t inclusive of this one (and he’s the judge..)… good luck!


  3. imperfectlyperfect92 says:

    ok, lets do this..


  4. […] my very first giveaway, and I was pretty pumped about it. Then I did another blogpost with the giveaway details, and the deadline when I had to get the answers […]


  5. […] I had a giveaway, put out things people would need to do, and the deadline they’d need to send their entries in […]


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