Posts Tagged ‘Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala’

So I haven’t blogged in 11 days! That’s a week and some! I’ve missed it (as always) but I just haven’t found the time! I guess that’s the thing about ‘adult education’; you think you get more freedom but with that is the realization of the truth behind the saying that “freedom comes with responsibility”.

So what’s been up in the last eleven days for you? Erm, on the international scene, there’s the separation between Maria Shivers and Ex California Governor, Arnold Schwarznegger, over a ‘love child‘ he had with a member of their staff over 10 years ago. A lot of things come to mind with this piece of information; so he successfully hid a child from her for 10 years? And the mother of that child only resigned in January (after working for the family for 2 decades)? That’s something; and all I will say about that.

Back in Nigeria we heard that the Federal Government gave 5 million naira to each of the families who lost a corps member in the post election crisis. I’m sorry o, but that’s crap if you ask me! That’s crap at its peak! A government that spent over N10billion for her 50th anniversary (that marked the beginning of bombings in the country), and is planning to splash 5 billion naira on the President elect’s inauguration can do a lot better than a paltry 5 million, especially since it won’t/can’t even bring the child back!

Then there was the unfortunate incident with the suicide bombers in Pakistan, a couple of days after the Obama administration plucked Osama Bin Laden from Abottabad and deposited his corpse at sea. The bombings took place at the Frontier Constabulary in Charsadda, just as the paramilitary recruits were leaving the premises with gifts they had bought for their families after weeks of trainings. Reports say the bombers had nails and other such objects strapped to their bodies, thus increasing the devastation they caused. My heart goes out to the families, and to Pakistan.

Still on deaths, Nigeria’s Chief Justice recently escaped death; his wife unfortunately wasn’t that lucky. The circumstances surrounding the accident (and her death) are…..not nice (for lack of a better way to convey my thoughts without getting stoned). May her soul rest in peace, and may our CJ be comforted by God, Amen.

There is a new organization of young people here in the United Kingdom who have moved beyond being ‘Twitter Champions’ calling for Nigerians to eschew violence and embrace dialogue. Aptly named Nigeria Dialogue, the organization founded by Eniola Ade seeks to have 40 million people online in the next 10 years. Imagine 40 million people mobilized on the streets, asking the government of the day to do something. Ok, so let’s say they don’t even go on the streets; we gather 40 million signatures asking our government for a thing. Even if the leadership was blind, deaf, mute, and daft, they’d listen, see, respond, and act. That’s what Nigeria Dialogue is about, getting people together to have a discussion, proffer solutions on issues bedeviling the nation but more importantly, being a strong enough force to push for the enforcement of those solutions. See why you should be a part of it? Follow on Twitter here (!/Nigeriadialogue), and you can join the group on Facebook too! (

What else? A ha! How could I forget an issue that’s currently on the front burner? IMF boss Dominique Strauss–Kahn is currently being held at the Rikers Island Prison on charges of rape, forcible touching, kidnap, etc. The story? So an African American woman aged 31 working as a cleaner at Sofitel Hotel in Los Angeles was cleaning Mr Big Banker ‘s $3000 a night room when the latter appeared from the bathroom (naked), pounced on her, and the rest is what we’re reading off newspapers and websites. The man formerly rumored to be the top contender for Sarkozy in France’s next elections was denied bail and so currently resides at the prison that has once housed Lil Wayne. Maybe they can do a song together, no?

In happier news the HRM The Queen of England is on a four-day visit to Ireland, the first official visit in 100 years. As part of the activities she will be laying a wreath of poppies at the Croke Park Stadium, where British troops in 1920 ‘machine-gunned’ the crowd in retaliation for them killing 14 British Intelligence Officers the night before, during Ireland’s war with England for their independence. I hope that the relationship between both countries is improved; especially since Northern Ireland has been visited 18 times by the monarchy.

Back home, the campaign to get everyone to sign the petition calling for an urgent reform of the National Youth Service Corps. Please sign the petition, it’s a seven pointer you can read about and get your friends to sign too here

Still from Nigeria, Mansur Mukhtar, former Finance Minister has been appointed as the alternate executive director with World Bank. Now while I have my reservations about the World Bank and IMF and how I’m reading about the true reasons behind all the ‘aid’ they release to African nations, I am excited that there are now three of them working there. The other two are Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and Oby Ezekwesili.

In other news, it’s my birthday in two days and I’m very excited about adding another year; being alive to see another year of God’s goodness and faithfulness in my life, even when I have been grossly unfaithful! Thank you Lord! I’m having a little something for it too (you know I like to celebrate birthdays), and I’m looking forward to seeing all my buddies who’ll be coming in for it!

On that happy note, it’s good night from me! Truth is, it’s more like back to putting finishing touches to my class report… Did I miss out anything that’s happened internationally (or nationally)? Did you miss me? Anything you want to say? Feel free to include it in the comments!