Posted: May 23, 2011 in Blogs from and about school!, FUN!!!

Good morning!!!

I can finally get to this, phew! According to my people, ‘bodi no be wood o’,  there’s nothing like getting a good night’s rest after exerting yourself! And even though I’m chronicling my birthday three days after it’s happened, I’m going to make sure you relive every single moment with me!

Ok, so I slept very late on the night of the 19th, naturally because people starting ringing from about midnight. I checked my Facebook account at about 1am, and then I noticed that so many people were sending birthday wishes to my message box. At first I thought, ‘awww, these are really my special people’ but when I saw messages from people I didn’t even know I had on my friends’ list, I knew there was something wrong!

Turns out that in a moment of panic I had restricted access to a lot of my stuff on Facebook, so people couldn’t write on my wall (amongst other things). ‘So much for feeling special’, I thought, as I relaxed the settings a bit.

My folks rang later, and it was cute to hear them sing one line of the happy birthday song after each other! And then my daddy prayed for me. Remember the prayer Isaac prayed for Jacob when he made him the goat meat (or tiger meat) peppersoup? Yup, something like that!

I promised to recreate some of the really fun birthday messages I got via bbm, text, etc.

One of the fun ones!

That was from a doctor friend who became like a brother to my doctor sister and I when we spent some time in Ibadan a couple years ago! I miss the Ibadan days sha, amala and gbegiri near Bodija market, asun at Options, 5 naira taxis, knees hitting the floor for every elderly person, Oh My Lawd!

Sorry if I veered off track a bit…..below I’ve reproduced two bbms (Blackberry messages)that had me holding my sides; please don’t beef me if you don’t laugh, just take it that I’ve laughed on your behalf!

From Tar Akiga : “happy birthday to a girl that’s going places and will remember us when she gets there….amen (insert smiley). Please close your eyes and let me pray for you. Dear God, bless this my stubborn and naughty friend whose eyes are not closed as I’m praying despite my plea but busy reading my message and smiling”

From Jake Effoduh: “ Happy birthday to an erudite avant gardeist, one of the most elegant, sexy, Fairy, sisterly, beautiful, and creative women of this time, Miss Chioma Chuka – Happy birthday aplenty! God has granted all your heart desires (say amen) but jara won’t be a bad idea so I pray God grants you three more things:

1. Plentier monies in your wallet and your account in currencies that will need calculators

2. True friendships and love that will not only triangle your life with God but will take you to levels amazingly desired

3. Long life and prosperity till you tell God ‘E don do’!

Happy birthday dear, you’re one in a gazillion!

Long one abi? He sent it via bbm; I loved it!

On to Twitter now, here’s one from a favorite buddy of mine who refused to ask for time off to attend (silly child)

Andy Madaki.....BD!

Don’t worry, you can throw me a party when you’re not working!

On to the gifts, so I got so much chocolate I’m wondering if I haven’t made it clear enough to my friends that I’m trying to lose weight! Two of my favorite people, Leonie and Karen, brought me a chocolate cake! Utterly sinful! Had me licking my fingers!! Thank you ladies!!

I got a very special gift of poetry from a buddy on Twitter, Bankole or LordBanks. I have reproduced the poem here but to see the second gift he gave me, click here!

Heigh ho citizens, I am he who is known as LordBanks
And on this occasion I come, bearing a gift, as is only appropriate of a personality of my noble rank

The gift of which I speak, not that it’s exactly within my humble fiefdom to grant
But I’m LordBanks after all, and I have a tendency to rant

First I seek leave of your distinguished selves to begin
My rambling verse, to the fair she whom I dare call kin

It is to her honour that today, we’re all gathered herein
And with no further ado, my quaint verse I promptly begin

O that I could build a sprawling castle, set in a sunny vale
Fit only for you, fairy princess, who lives over the hills and far away

I would procure for you, a shining Unicorn, with fiery mane
Tended by twenty dancing elves and sprightly dames

A glistening chariot, for the nightly canter down lover’s lane
With the warrior prince, handsome, suave, boredom’s bane

Then I’d the pray the Holy Father with watchful eye, to ward off evil spells
That the evening’s merriment may continue as long as you please, tho the clock strike twelve

Alas, all these lofty things are far beyond my meagre means, and as yet unrealised estate, I’m afraid
But I’m glad that love’s measure dwells not in the size of the gift, so long as its true import be relayed

Here’s my gift to you, this little domain
With it I ensure that to what is yours, another can lay no claim

Happy Birthday, Fairy GodSister

Thank you LordBanks, whoop whoop!!!!

To everyone who came in for it, (had guests from Bristol, Manchester, London); to everyone who wrote on my wall, tweeted, sent a text, called, poked, the cards, the gifts (especially the vouchers, lol), however you got in touch, thank you!! To my friends (and my extraordinary flatmate) who helped out on the day, may you never lack help (and helpers) in your life! I’m grateful for your love, and thankful for your friendship, God bless you richly!

P:S – errr, did I mention that I typed this chronicle on the laptop I received for my birthday? With RAM and memory to die for? Thank you Ifeanyi, you’re the best!

  1. Rita Eghujovbo says:

    Awe!!!! Chioma, so much love, cos u truly deserve it. Babe u for post some chocolate come naija o. lol.


  2. Azubbie says:

    Wow! I dey “jelox” you joor (insert green faced smiley). Seriously, you deserve all these and much more. E bi like say we go re-run this your birthday sha!

    Happy “belated” birthday, dearest Fairy GodSister.


  3. ayeesha says:

    Wow wish i had ur type of friends or some of ur frenz were my frenz too! Frenz who truly love ya,enviable case if u ask me. Try not to loose em.
    Nice write up as usual.


  4. […] My Birthday!!! ( […]




  6. […] Anyway, so I struggled with it for the first two days, and then I quietly dropped the iPad at home and carried my laptop there for the remaining four days. And I was productive! Come to think of it, the laptop I used before the mac was a 17inch Sony Vaio, so why was I complaining about a 13inch lightweight mac? Moment of silence for the Vaio, another gift from my birthday in 2011. The story of that wonderful birthday is here […]


  7. […] My Birthday!!! ( […]


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