Posted: June 16, 2012 in DAY 2 DAY, PINCH OF HUMOR
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Hello you!!

Yes it’s a Saturday! What are Saturdays like for you? For me, it’s a day to lie in, and just chill. Really… I mean life is short, and there must be ways of recouping on the energy expended during the week, all the running around, etc. And then of course if there’s an event to attend, a wedding, something going on in the evening, I’m happy to go but my morning lie in is sacrosanct!

That’s what Saturdays are like for me…. What’s yours like? Think about it, and enjoy the pictures for this week! Send me yours (nothing political or overly religious) to, and I’ll be sure to credit you. Hugs!

Oops!!!!! Thank you Ace for this one!

As true as it gets!

Saw this on Eddie Madaki’s bbm, confidence ba je!!

Ehhh! Try this with a Nigerian parent, tell me what happens…

Liar liar pant’s on fire!


That’s all folks! Share a smile, give a hug, and enjoy a restful weekend!

Say something!