Archive for the ‘PINCH OF HUMOR’ Category

My people!!

Long time!

Forgive me jor, I didn’t plan to just stay away like that. I’ve had a lot on my plate though, new roles, courses, etc. Not an excuse though, and I’m going to shush and get to the reason why you’re here!




Yes o! Proper 'resemble'

Yes o! Proper ‘resemble’

Seriously! SMH.

Seriously! SMH.

Lol!! Wicked man!

Lol!! Wicked man!

Ask me o!

Ask me o!

Six pictures today (the extra is cos I want you to see how sorry I am)!



Have a good rest of the day, and a fabulous, extra-productive week ahead!


No other explanation is needed!

No other explanation is needed!

Ha ha ha!!!! Darling wife!!

Ha ha ha!!!! Darling wife!!

Lol.... I couldn't even laugh...

Lol…. I couldn’t even laugh…



In case you want to wear them on your arms right?

In case you want to wear them on your arms right?

Enjoy!!!! And share, preferably with a female (mother or not) with a hug and a kiss because it’s Mother’s Day tomorrow!

First Saturday in the third month of the year!!

We’re going straight into the pictures for the day, enjoy!! And share with a friend!

Picture of the day for me!

Picture of the day for me!





Lmao!!!! Life isn't this serious!

Lmao!!!! Life isn’t this serious!

I normally don't do religion but I couldn't pass up on this one!

I normally don’t do religion but I couldn’t pass up on this one!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a fabulous week ahead!


Valentine’s come and gone; what did you do? Where did you go? What did you give, and what did you get? I could totally make a song out of this, check my rhyme scheme out! While I sort out the rest of the lyrics, you better start talking!!

Really though, did you have fun? Go somewhere nice? Did he put a ring on it? What!! He didn’t? He’s waiting for you to grow old first? Or in the words of my dear friend, he’s waiting for all your eggs to boil first? Lmao!!

I had a swell Valentine’s Day. Full stop o!!  I can see you settled in nicely, waiting to hear what I did on the day…. Tatafo United! I caught you! And I’m not telling cos I asked first. *tongue out*

While you type, here are the pictures for this week’s Pinch of Humor!

Cutcy: the Groom's family. OK.

Cutcy: the Groom’s family. OK.



Lmao!! Having a mistake on your back forever! *sigh*



Don’t you just love family? My ‘knees’!


Funny bt true!

Did you die? Dead!!!!!



Really? Really really?


This is February, the month of looooooove!!! Whoop!!! Of course, the Valentine adverts and decorations have been up around these parts since the last week in January, *sigh*

You know here yeah, we move from Christmas decorations to Valentine, to Mother’s Day, then to Easter, and then to Father’s Day before there’s a break. I like it though, everyone claims to have one sale or the other in the name of these Celebrations. And just so you know, £3 to £2.10 doesn’t qualify as sales in my books!!

On to the pictures for the day, let’s see if we can throw in any love related ones!

Ever been in this position before?

Ever been in this position before? Lol!


@Oche big boy. You no talk say you be doctor

You won’t catch me dead here!


Lucy see your Ex.

Please don’t drink and drive this year, totally not worth it!


Imagine =))

The blind attempting to correct one with 20/20 vision! Lol!



Four tries and he didn’t get ‘Porsche’? Ok!!

And yes, because it’s the month of loooooove (lol…. I have one precious friend like that who pronounces ‘love’ in such a hilarious way it cracks me up every single time) we have an extra picture!! This one hopefully will help your relationship! Look, and learn! Lol!


Ha! Ha! Ha!

That’s all folks! Have a good one! Hugs!


Oh wow!! Can’t believe this is the last Saturday in the month of January already! Wow!! That quick? How are you and your resolutions for the year coming? I didn’t even bother making any! Well, not like I didn’t bother making any (and I didn’t really), but I kind of noted fur things I need to sort this year. They aren’t resolutions per se, they are more goals and points I need to touch by certain times in the year. And I’m working hard to get them!

Have I bored you yet? Or wiped the smile off your face? No? Good. Yes? Good! Lol! Now let’s get to the pictures for the day shall we? Ready?

Lmao!!!!! Nearly passed out the day I saw this!

Lmao!!!!! Nearly passed out the day I saw this!


Oh my word…… *sigh*

A complete dozen!!!!

Yep!!! After a dozen eggs, you better not!! Lol!!

D end thereafter..

And that my dear friends, is how accidents happen… *sigh*


Pow!!! Ouch!!! Yo Momma!!

Five days left in January, enjoy them! Check to be sure you’re still on track though with your resolutions, plans, and/or goals for the year will you? This is the year that your dreams must come true; you just need to get off the bed and work towards them!


Pinch of humor people!! Happy New Year!! Don’t even look at me like the greeting is coming late, save the wrinkling of your noses for the people who will tell you Happy New Year in June! Accept my own with open arms, so you can….. (I don’t know jor, put anything you want there).

We had a good last year with the Pinch of Humor category, and I’ll always be grateful to Mr Mobility; the inspiration to start this came after I chatted with him and he encouraged me through a tough patch I was in. Thank you Bro!

This year? NO breaks, no missed weeks, nothing!! We have to keep this growing from strength to strength this year (or from laugh to laugh, lol). Let’s get to it already!

Oh no!

Oh no!


=)) save me 4rm dis akpos guy abeg

These ‘akpos’ jokes are to die for!


Spot the Blenderlette

Is it that serious? Really? Lol!


Lol. Wat pple come up with these days

Psalm 23…. Is there anything we won’t play with?

That’s it good people! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and have a brilliant week ahead. And before I forget, Happy New Year again!


This actually happens?



Ok, so it’s 5.42am and just as I tweet that my darling nephew (Boo Boo) is a miracle baby for sleeping throughout the night, he wakes up! Talk about a tweet too early! Rather than whine about my ‘me time’ gone, I’ve decided to do a ‘thank you for 2012’ post. Cliche as it may sound, there are quite a few people I need to thank for the different things they’ve been to me this year, and Boo Boo’s one of them!

To God, for life, love, hope. For the gift of every new day He’s given, for safe travels (and I moved around quite a bit this year), for health; I might have fallen ill a couple times but the things I recovered from killed some people. I’m also grateful for a sound mind; don’t really see how much more righteous I am than the people who are out of theirs. Most importantly I’m grateful to Him for mercies that I see every day. This year’s been a little rough and I’ve derailed majorly but He’s been (and still is merciful).

To my family, you guys are the surest, baddest bosses ever! Kai!! Wouldn’t trade you guys for anything in the world! To Momma, Daddy, Kizaro, Inne, Qintaro, and the latest addition to the family, my darling Boo Boo!!! God bless you guys! I love you to the moon and back! 2013 is ours!!

To The One who calls me Pebbles, what do I say? Where do I start? How do I begin to talk about you, would anyone even grasp the depths of what I feel, of what you are to me? For the songs, the stories, the beautiful dances, the encouragement, for everything; thank you.. You’re the wind beneath my wings!

To my girl for life Wumi, you’re many shades of awesome! You understand me, you’ve accepted me (and my moods, lol), you’re there for me in ways I cannot begin to explain, I just love you girl!! Christmas with you was awesome, 2013 is the year!!

To my bestie Miss Mangut, you’re a great lady, a wonderful resource, and someone for whom the sky is but the starting point! Loads of love!

To the Chief Sista and Mr Mobility, thank you for being an ever present source of wisdom, a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on (and soak with tears sometimes). Thank you for always being there, God bless you, and satisfy the desires of your heart speedily! I love you! To Aninoritse, thank you for being my friend; you’re never more than a phone call or ‘you’ve abandoned me’ BBM away. Love you muchos!

To the ‘elders’: I read through your eyes, climbed on your shoulders, walked through doors you opened, turned at your reproof, gained new knowledge, forged new friendships and partnerships through you, got the opportunity to prove myself, thank you! Thank you to my Principal, Dr Sam Amadi, Mr Eyo Ekpo, Jackie Farris, Yemi Adamolekun, Dr Ebirima Ceesay, FML, Mac-Jordan DegadjorBankole Oluwafemi, Alkasim Abdulkadir; here’s to a brilliant 2012, let’s do it (and even bigger) next year! I must specially thank Bankole, Alkasim, and Mercy Abang for being such wonderful business partners! And congratulations on your wedding Mercy! She rocks!

To my @i_blend family, for two years (I know, can’t believe we’ve had this group for this long) you’ve been home away from home for me. You (@AndyMadaki@El_Jefe@Nubian_Semm, @Lucy@EddieMadaki@Attaswitch@Tess_lati@Mamfizzle, @MissMimilove@Oche_E@Ene_vanhelsing, @Desiree, @Mimi, @Matilda, @Ayeesha, @Dosh, and @Gang) have been sources of joy, a rounded sounding board,, and best of all, great friends! 2013 is ours! I love you guys!

To everyone who’s read my blog, left a comment, tweeted a link, liked a post, or even followed the blog, thank you!! It is for you I write, God forbid that I take you for granted. To Iyke, Pearl, Chief Sista, Jaz, and Rita for being the top five commenters on the blog this year, thank you so much! 2013 will be bigger, better, more interactive, richer, and I promise there’ll be shorter breaks in between posts!

To Hillsongs Church, I’m grateful I found you, however late in the year. I promise to get more involved soon as I get back!

To Zemanta, WordPress, Nitropdf, and Google, your constant innovations have been a delight; they’ve also made for a richer online experience. Thank you! @Nitropdf, I’m earnestly waiting on the MAC version like you promised!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Here’s to an extra-productive 2013!

The Fairy GodSister.

It’s 10 days to Christmas!!! *dancing* Hello from Nigeria!! *dancing*

Wonderful to see my Boo Boo again, he’s absolutely adorable, the cutest baby in the entire world, you best believe that! It’s been amazing catching up with my sister, my family, my friends, stuff is going really fast but it’s all so exciting and I’m so grateful! Whoop!!

On to our pictures for the day, enjoy!!

Sounds like my daddy!

He who has gas…….


I’m a witness to this!!

How are your plans for Christmas coming? Don’t stress, celebrate within your means, and have a wonderful week!


CoUnTiNg DoWn!!!

Posted: December 8, 2012 in PINCH OF HUMOR
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Hello earthlings!!

It’s the 8th of December, whoop!! Tomorrow’s a very special day, and I’m so excited!! Today’s also Saturday, the second Saturday in December and I’m so so so excited! Not a lot of talk today, just to say that the next week’s Pinch of Humor will be live from Nigeria!!! Whoop!!

Saving all my energy to rock out when I’m back in Nigeria!

*Sigh* Can’t help that I’m fabulous!

Seriously? Whose brain went on vacation in January?

I’m singing along with the mouse jor!

This is me a lot of times!! No shame at all!

Have a fabulous week!!!